Weird. I have to say... that DBZ rip-off part sucked. He kept screaming like he was constipated. Then he turned into a Luigi-type hulk or something... That was scary. And what happened on that part where he had his head facing down... then he farted or something... then he started sliding along the ground and all those blue things appeared, killing the toads? I mean, I didn't get it. And a tip. Never, EVER, use brush in a sprite movie. It ruins it. And you really shouldn't make your own backgrounds, like that one with the pink floor, unless you're good at it. This movie has it's good parts though... I laughed so hard when I watched Mario's head fly off. How could it just keep bouncing like that then stop... I mean wtf? And the flash back... Luigi kept hurting Mario... Then they were all, like, pudgy.. Haha! " I wonder what would happen if the moon exploded..." Good stuff man. I don't reckon it was half bad. Good job. There definately is room for improvement, but keep it up, and you'll get better at animating. Good stuff!